Slice Your Way to Happieness!

Slice Your Way to Happieness!

I feal nothing but agony,

 And my only fear is me.
I want to be happy, 

But I can’t figure out whats wrong with me.

I’ve tried to escape what I’ve become
A cutter, 

Self abuser, 

A mutilator
I still feal hate running through my vains

So hot its burrning.
Cut my skin to free these emotions from me
I cry Helplessly
I’m not what I want to be all I am is me.


Let the days you do what you want
Medicine breath if a court ruling
The panic of the accident at night
What incidents of lower survival
Be a man for horror skin
Himtk and tolerance and to meet
Although it has many weaknesses in the creatures
Your password and have a cover
Generous cover every defect
Covered by the generosity as has been said
Does not see the humiliation never curse
The scourge of gloating Aloaada
Do not shake the tolerance of the skimpy
What in Hell is thirsty for water
And sustenance is not lacking in careful
And not more than living in the effort
Or sorrow or pleasure lasts
You do not misery and prosperity
If you are a heart is content
You and the owner of this world, whether
It was revealed courtyard Almnaya
Not protect it and the land of sky
And the land of God and the broad but
If the judiciary had no space down
Let the days betrays all the time
What is a substitute for drug death

Explaining Depression

Slumping in depression and sadness that rocked me to the core.

Reality has hit.

My world isn’t the same everything has changed !

Gone are the rose tinted glasses

Gone is the sprinkling of light rain showers filled with the laughter of children splashing in the puddles.

When I outside all I see is gray fog filled everything in muted colors ,

Like all the colors are washed away and then replaced with gray ,

Gray in varying shades depending on the hour and how I feel sometimes I can escape from the sadness and depression

But it’s usually short lived and it’s getting harder and harder to find ways to not feel so bad

Living life with a chronic recurring mental illness is very lonely and at times isolating, Then there are the times when you want to do things and feel better but nothing seems to actually help,

This is when you just try to survive on good enough yes there are days when good enough is all I can do

Then other days were good enough and plastering on my mask and get through the day until I can go hide away and cry.

10 Celebrities with Depression, Bipolar Disorder, or Both — Therese Borchard

Whenever I hit a depression rut, where I feel disabled by the illness and therefore pathetic for being brought to my knees by a bunch of thoughts, it helps me to review celebrities — esteemed politicians, actors, musicians, comedians, astronauts, writers, and athletes — that I admire from both the past and present who have…

via 10 Celebrities with Depression, Bipolar Disorder, or Both — Therese Borchard


I feel sad and empty blue loneliness I desperately deeply despair oh 

I despair 

I despise feelings of sad empty loneliness and despair

I cry secretly and silently, in the deepest darkness of night when all of the others slumber.

In the daylight I deny crying in the night

I movethrough life in a sonic state ,

My life is like ground hogs day over and over again. 

Nothing, changes and everything stays the same.


Hypo manic mixed state 

skin is antisy and creepy crawling inside with anguish and annoying deep within my soul 

anguished despairing dark deepness of all my life 

depressed despair! filled with grayish green blackness that noone else understands or cares 

its like staring into a abyss and the abyss stares back 

but no matter how deep the abyss is its up to you to jump or not! 


Ode To Lost Sleep 

Sleep fails me more and moreI lay awake tossing and turning, 

My mind unable to quit down  

Staring at the wall and ceiling gets old fast

I dont know what happened and why I cant sleep 

None of the sleep soultions help 

I feel helpless and hopeless 

My mind dwells in darkness of shadowy sadness, 

And unending sorrows

I silently cry tears of fears and sorrows that only I know, 

About noone sees the shadow of my life’s struggles against this thief, 

Bipolar has many mangled sides to it ,watch closely and it will steal everything

Starting with the thoughts of happiness it will replace them with gloom and doom worries about Silly things as well what if if only!

Then your to tired and worried to sleep so you just pass the time and worry and fear eats away 

You peaceful slumber by the time you have figured it out the problem isn’t easily remedy. 


Bipolar moods , how I feel 

I am agitated beyond anything everything is grating on my nerves And annoying me 

My hurts so much 



My mood is peevish over nothing 

Can one always be defeated by bipolars chemical hell?​ 

I stuggle in the foggy blackish-grey cloak that is bipolar it makes life’s living hellish pains 

Noone else around me understands the silent struggles that go on in my head

I am so sick of people telling me to snap out of it…….

If I could snap out of it i would’ve but bipolar is a illness just like diabetes or heart disease,

It requries treatment and education.

Some people, with bipolar find solutions that work for them 

I havent found anything that works ,

So I muddle through my days as best as I can ! 


Alone and Suffering

You see her standing there

The blank sonic look  on her face

You ask her what is wrong

She replies I’m fine

When in reality she is in pain

She hides the pain and hurt no one sees it

She cries herself  to sleep

In the morning she struggles her day

She has given up on ever finding a  friend

She silently prays that the pain will end

She has battled this demon that people call loneliness and depression she don’t know when

No one understands and care how she feels

She silently Prays that Allah will grant her relief

She feels isolated from the muslim community never really fitting in anywhere

Mostly she stays to herself , best thing you could do to help her is reach out offer to have tea or just talk loneliness hurts more than you know

Please do not judge her she is trying her best to survive  taking it one day at a time

Kindness and caring go along way so does saying as salam alikum sister how are you doing and actually listening because under the softly spoken I’m fine there is a catch and pause in her voice and the look in her eyes cries I’m not ok please hug me and let me know I’m not alone!

But most of the time it is ignored and she just suffers in silence alone as always