The Rainbow Killers

The Rainbow Killers
Sharp-tongued venom
Words, spiked hearts of
Thorny malice slash
With steely claws at
The waning, failing
Defenses of sweet, blythe
Joy of heart. Have no chance
Of survival, these lovely,
Gentle creatures who warm
And ameliorate; They who love
For the sake of loving and are
Slain by the bitter, unfeeling,
Frozen hearted emissaries of the
Wretched sun for the sake of silent
Submission to blinding obedience,
To a slow, meaningless death of spirit.
For how are we to fight a godly war?


When I first kiss you,

I felt my knees go weak,

I couldn’t even speak,

With a passion flowing free,

Sparks flew that we both saw,

A touch so soft and tender

A kiss I would remember,

I’m sure I kissed you back,

With the fire no kiss should lack,

You left me wanting more,

My soul you did explore,

My heart no longer fill with pain,

Darling, kiss me once again.