Another Blog-Aholic Award!!!

As Salam Alikum Readers I got nominated for another blog-aholic award

special thanks to for the nomination


The Blog-aholic Award was created

by the The Recipe Hunter (Cook and Enjoy), and in her words “The Blog-aholic Award is an award for bloggers addicted to blogging with creative, ingenious and inspiring posts. They mesmerize their followers with their posts, keep them captivated and riveted to their blog. The Blog-aholic Award is also for bloggers who share and inspire others” 

As per the rules the Bloggers we would like to nominate are as follows


three things about me:

I dislike shoe shopping I find it a huge pain in the foot and so very frustrating due to my feet being oddly shaped.

I don’t really care what I wear , and I haven’t bought my own clothes in years

I am afraid of snakes

Munna, Baba & Me




Sunshine Blogger Award 

As Salam Alikum Sister Shukrallah,Thanks sister for the sunshine award nomination , check out her blog ShukrallahBlog

The Rules:

Here are the questions Shukrallah has ask, they  are :

1. What is one of your favorite Hadith of the Prophet (Sall Allāhu ʿalay-hi wa-sallam) & why

One day the Messenger of Allah (saws) noticed a bedouin (desert Arab) leaving his camel without tying it and he asked the bedouin: “Why don’t you tie down your camel?” The bedouin answered, “I put my trust in Allah.” The Prophet (saws) then said, “Tie your camel first, then put your trust in Allah”

Related by At-Tirmidhi.

Because it means use common sense and trust in Allah
2. How do you prefer to spend your free time?

Gardening, organizing things , cooking healthy foods , writing and reading

3. Who do you most admire in life & why?

Not sure never really thought about it,

4. What are your top three favorite books?

I have to choose one?

1. Quran

2. Back to Eden

3.Back to Basics a complete guide to traditional skills ,

If I have to choose ,

I love books and will read any book once

5. What are you afraid of?


6. How much water do you drink on an average day?

Over a gallon and a half I’m always thirsty and always drinking water. It’s

7. What was the last picture you took?

The moon in the early morning sky here is the picture

8. How many languages do you speak?

English ,

American Sign Language (haven’t used in years so am a bit rusty),

Darija aka Moroccan Arabic ( I understand more than I speak as long as it’s

spoken slowly, I am trying to become fluent but it’s been a struggle),

(a bit of Spanish

and French cooking terms both which I haven’t used in years)

9. If you could live in any country where would you live? Depends I’d probably just travel and live in all the countries just so I could see which one I liked best.

10. If money was free, would you still go to work? Yes I’d work because being idle makes my bipolar mood disorder worse.

11. What do you love about yourself? How I have survived so many traumatic experiences and still move forward.

The 11 blogs I choose are :

  1. A Dirham A Day


  3. Mariam’s Journal

  4. Thoughts of an American Hijabi

  5. bipolarchaosblog

  6. Rekindling The Flame Of Imaan

  7. MariamMea


  9. Simple Muslimah

  10. Muslimah According to Me


My questions are:

How many countries have you lived in?

What’s your favorite color and why?

How long could you go without tv Internet and cell phone?

Could you survive in the wilderness with just a knife , fire and water?

What’s one weird thing you eat that others don’t?

What is one place you wanted to travel to but never have been and why?

If you could would you want to speak ,read and understand every language ever spoken?

How many aunts and uncles do you have?

How many sisters and brother? And do you get along and regularly talk to them?

Do you have pets? If so what kind?

Have you ever spun yarn from wool?

Thank You for reading.

Blog-Aholic Award

Assalamu aleikum dear readers and bloggers,


 First, I want to thank my sister in Islam Papatia

Between Sisters, SVP! for nominating me for this award.

“The Blog-aholic Award is an award for bloggers addicted to blogging with creative, ingenious and inspiring posts. They mesmerize their followers with their posts, keep them captivated and riveted to their blog. The Blog-aholic Award is also for bloggers who share and inspire others” – The Recipe Hunter (Cook and Enjoy).

So here we go!

My Best Post:

My best post is 

Three Facts About Me:

I have traveled a lot as a child young adult.

I organize my clothes by color.

I have super sensitive smelling and hearing.

I Nominate: (you don’t have to take part if you wish not to)

  1. Simple Muslimah


  3. loveforhijab

  4. 1newleaf

  5. bipolarchaosblog

  6. Muslimahs Ablaze


  8. My Creative Hut

  9. Muslimah According to Me

  10. A Muslimah’s writings


  1. Put the above award logo/image on your blog.
  2. List the rules.
  3. Thank the blogger who nominated you and provide a link to their blog (it can be to the post in which they nominated you or any other post or you can even link to their “About” page.)
  4. Mention the creator: (The Recipe Hunter (Cook and Enjoy)) of this award and please provide a link or pingback as I (Esmé of The Recipe Hunter (Cook and Enjoy) would love to meet you!
  5. Write a post to show your award.
  6. Share a link to your best post(s).
  7. Share 3 interesting and different facts about yourself.
  8. Nominate 5-10 fellow bloggers, or more if you wish.
  9. Comment on each blog and let them know you have nominated them and provide the link to the post you created.


Thank you for reading,



she was

SHE Was Pretty… She Spend Half Of Her Life…
Plucking and waxing, moisturizing, dieting, exercising, brushing, applying, removing, tucking this, hiding that, cleaning this washing that, buying this and buying that…
Wearing clothes that hung gracefully to her shape accessories to add taste, fake eyelashes here, fake extensions there, piercing this and tattooing that…
“It was her body” she argued to those who criticized her. Then came the day she died… She was locked in a box and the key was thrown away, her coffin left to lay amongst the dirt, where her body will slowly disintegrate to nothing as the maggots, feast on the skin she used to take so much care of!
“it’s my body” she had argued…
No!!! It was NEVER your body but it was given by Allah… For if it was your body surely you’d have never left it behind.
“indeed we belong to Allah, and indeed to Him we will return” (Surat Baqara:156)
Ya Allah!!! forgive all my sins… Great and small sins, the first and the last sins, those that are apparent and those that are hidden. Aameen.

Hypo manic mixed state 

skin is antisy and creepy crawling inside with anguish and annoying deep within my soul 

anguished despairing dark deepness of all my life 

depressed despair! filled with grayish green blackness that noone else understands or cares 

its like staring into a abyss and the abyss stares back 

but no matter how deep the abyss is its up to you to jump or not! 


Ode To Lost Sleep 

Sleep fails me more and moreI lay awake tossing and turning, 

My mind unable to quit down  

Staring at the wall and ceiling gets old fast

I dont know what happened and why I cant sleep 

None of the sleep soultions help 

I feel helpless and hopeless 

My mind dwells in darkness of shadowy sadness, 

And unending sorrows

I silently cry tears of fears and sorrows that only I know, 

About noone sees the shadow of my life’s struggles against this thief, 

Bipolar has many mangled sides to it ,watch closely and it will steal everything

Starting with the thoughts of happiness it will replace them with gloom and doom worries about Silly things as well what if if only!

Then your to tired and worried to sleep so you just pass the time and worry and fear eats away 

You peaceful slumber by the time you have figured it out the problem isn’t easily remedy. 


Bipolar moods , how I feel 

I am agitated beyond anything everything is grating on my nerves And annoying me 

My hurts so much 



My mood is peevish over nothing 

Can one always be defeated by bipolars chemical hell?​ 

I stuggle in the foggy blackish-grey cloak that is bipolar it makes life’s living hellish pains 

Noone else around me understands the silent struggles that go on in my head

I am so sick of people telling me to snap out of it…….

If I could snap out of it i would’ve but bipolar is a illness just like diabetes or heart disease,

It requries treatment and education.

Some people, with bipolar find solutions that work for them 

I havent found anything that works ,

So I muddle through my days as best as I can ! 


I Pounder

I ponder over death often.
Not sure if its because of the life I’ve lived or what awaits me in
the Hereafter.
Since none of knows when our time will come, we must live everyday
We must forgive and accept forgiveness.
We must embrace life with honor and respect by fearing Allah as best
we can.
We must give to those that have less than us and expect nothing in
return except Allah’s reward.
So I say to you Oh, female servants of Allah, be steadfast in prayers,
perform charity,

Fear Allah with all that you know to be true and love
one another for Allah’s sake since that very Muslim you may not love
in this life, may be the very person who will intercede for you on
that Tremendous Day saving you from the hell fire!

Dearest Heart

Dearest Heart,
You are closer to me than my own two sides, a Divinely apportioned piece of my very existence, sometimes dark and sometimes alight. You’re with me everywhere I go, a fixed companion, running so deep that sometimes I don’t know where you end and I begin. You can be a seat of spiritual happiness for the one who possesses you; brimming with a light no other vessel can contain, seeing beyond seeing.
And at other times – and in truth, that’s most of the time with me, dear Heart – you can be the very opposite. At those times, you are the hardest company for me to keep.
Bit by bit it started, all by my own doing: weaknesses and heedlessness, blind indulgence and conscious ignorance; brazenly sinning while turning a blind eye to the spiritual illnesses developing within. One sin after another I committed, until you became almost unrecognizable beneath the layers of darkness building up inside. And I kept committing sins even when the pleasure was gone, just because the habit was so deeply fixed. Even when the sweetness became bitter, and the initial charm of the deeds I was committing became stale and repugnant, I continued, seeking to dull the ever-growing pain inside without too much introspection. “A cup I drank to taste its pleasure, and then another to chase its pain.”
I filled you with all manners of worldly things, but the aching and emptiness would not abate. Somehow, I deluded myself into thinking that the wounds would heal by these methods, and that the inner damage – self-inflicted – would somehow come to be repaired on its own. And I forced myself not to care. I lost something so precious when I lost you, dear Heart, beneath the darkness of sins and the choking hold of worldly attachments. I was a tightly closed shell whose pearl had somehow slipped away.
I found myself with pain running so deep, habits so ingrained, a path so steep before me… and heart-less, in the truest meaning of that word. It was hard for me to see a way to turn back.  But it’s there: I’ve found it, and it’s time.
Dearest Heart,
I’ve come to realize my absolute need for Allah (swt), down to my very core, and to see where I’ve gone wrong. How foolish to think that a spiritual vessel like you would be satisfied with less than His remembrance. You have taught me the truth of my existence: that without connection to Him, without the happiness of knowing Him and being true to Him, one will feel a painful emptiness, a sorrow, that cannot be filled with anything else.
I’m ready to strip away empty promises and convoluted excuses. I want to walk on this path upright, penitent, aware of my faults but constantly seeking a way back to Him. I need you with me dear Heart, and I pray it’s not too late. I’ll try my best to heal your wounds, and scrub away to your polished core, by His permission, through worship, His remembrance, and His aid. The path ahead is not an easy one and I know I’ll make mistakes, but I hope you’ll keep my company as we travel this road, the road of repentance, together. I will do right by you, God-willing, and you in turn, I pray, will help me reach His nearness.