Sunshine Blogger Award 

As Salam Alikum Sister Shukrallah,Thanks sister for the sunshine award nomination , check out her blog ShukrallahBlog

The Rules:

Here are the questions Shukrallah has ask, they  are :

1. What is one of your favorite Hadith of the Prophet (Sall Allāhu ʿalay-hi wa-sallam) & why

One day the Messenger of Allah (saws) noticed a bedouin (desert Arab) leaving his camel without tying it and he asked the bedouin: “Why don’t you tie down your camel?” The bedouin answered, “I put my trust in Allah.” The Prophet (saws) then said, “Tie your camel first, then put your trust in Allah”

Related by At-Tirmidhi.

Because it means use common sense and trust in Allah
2. How do you prefer to spend your free time?

Gardening, organizing things , cooking healthy foods , writing and reading

3. Who do you most admire in life & why?

Not sure never really thought about it,

4. What are your top three favorite books?

I have to choose one?

1. Quran

2. Back to Eden

3.Back to Basics a complete guide to traditional skills ,

If I have to choose ,

I love books and will read any book once

5. What are you afraid of?


6. How much water do you drink on an average day?

Over a gallon and a half I’m always thirsty and always drinking water. It’s

7. What was the last picture you took?

The moon in the early morning sky here is the picture

8. How many languages do you speak?

English ,

American Sign Language (haven’t used in years so am a bit rusty),

Darija aka Moroccan Arabic ( I understand more than I speak as long as it’s

spoken slowly, I am trying to become fluent but it’s been a struggle),

(a bit of Spanish

and French cooking terms both which I haven’t used in years)

9. If you could live in any country where would you live? Depends I’d probably just travel and live in all the countries just so I could see which one I liked best.

10. If money was free, would you still go to work? Yes I’d work because being idle makes my bipolar mood disorder worse.

11. What do you love about yourself? How I have survived so many traumatic experiences and still move forward.

The 11 blogs I choose are :

  1. A Dirham A Day


  3. Mariam’s Journal

  4. Thoughts of an American Hijabi

  5. bipolarchaosblog

  6. Rekindling The Flame Of Imaan

  7. MariamMea


  9. Simple Muslimah

  10. Muslimah According to Me


My questions are:

How many countries have you lived in?

What’s your favorite color and why?

How long could you go without tv Internet and cell phone?

Could you survive in the wilderness with just a knife , fire and water?

What’s one weird thing you eat that others don’t?

What is one place you wanted to travel to but never have been and why?

If you could would you want to speak ,read and understand every language ever spoken?

How many aunts and uncles do you have?

How many sisters and brother? And do you get along and regularly talk to them?

Do you have pets? If so what kind?

Have you ever spun yarn from wool?

Thank You for reading.