New Moon

The new moon has been sighted Shaaban is over Ramadhan has begun

And I’m so excited
I wake up for suhoor

And see the feast

But unable to eat much

Because images flash in front of me

About those who are poor

And will have nothing but water and a piece of bread

If they are lucky
As I begin my fast

I see images of my ummah being blasted

By the dastardly and cowardly

From five thousand feet high

Who don’t care who they hit, kill and maim

Even during Ramadhan
I read the Quran

And struggle after a few pages

My eyes turn bleary

Concentration wanes

And I think about my brothers

Resisting injustice

In far away lands And I shed a few tears
Iftar time

And my favorite delicacies are missing

I start complaining

I fail to see the blessing

For that which

I have

And always crave for more
I stand for terrawaih

My feet ache

I count the rakahs

Wishing the Imam would hurry

But my brothers in lands far away

Have no choice

But to stand and protect

The Ummah’s dignity

From the marauding crusaders
Eid is night

I buy new clothes

And shops are busy

In the hustle and bustle

I think of the widows and orphans

Struggling to make do

Wearing rags and just surviving

Sometimes begging and prostituting
My days are carefree

Without worry

Or stress

While the majority of the Ummah

Suffer and live in poverty
So ungrateful Disrespectful

For all that Allah has blessed me with
Maybe if Allah swapped me

With those who have little

Then I would contemplate

And appreciate

The mercy of Allah

Towards me and family
But those in hardship

Appreciate the little

And not belittle

What they have

And thank Allah

For the things we take for granted

Especially the Quran
Turning to it constantly

For inspiration

And Motivation

As they struggle on a daily basis

To Make Allah’s word high

The First Fourteen Days Of My Ramadan A Brief Mention 

Well ramadan has started and its going good I guess this is my second time fasting during ramadan ,

To be honest it has been hard on me let me explain it, matters not that I go without food it is the no drinking from farj prayer till marbib prayer that I have the most trouble with.

Normally when not fasting I chug water all day long , once I kept track of just how much water I drank during a 24 hour period and it was over 2.5 gallons this is not factoring in tea, coffee or any other type of liqiuds .
Ramadan started off with a series of bangs thats how they let everyone know here in morocco, I fasted the first two days then aunt flo arrived after iftar of the second day of fasting.

For  the next 7 days I didn’t fast but I helped out in other ways I helped cook foods chased children and washed clothes as well as tons of dishes .

I still wash the dishes whenever I find them you would believe how fast the dishes pile up.

I have been trying to read the Qur’an now that I am ovear aunt flo.​ It is slow going but in sha Allah I will finish it .

Today we made zemata a type of moroccan dessert it is yummy but very tiring to make .

The first 14 days of Ramadan have already passed and so far what I have learned is when its the hottest part oF the day try to nap or at least lay still under a fan .

After fast has been broken start drinking alot of water eat high protien meals soups and watermelon to help hydrate you .

Free online training on how to be productive during Ramadan

As Salam Alikum Readers ,

I came across this free online training on how to be productive during Ramadan & I thought you might find it beneficial.

Here’s the link to sign up:

The presenter is an experienced productivity expert & an internationally known author, speaker, and coach. He’s also the founder of the award-winning platform:

He’ll cover the following topics:
  • Why is it so difficult to be productive at work during Ramadan?
  • How best to organise your time and routine during Ramadan to be productive at work?
  • How to balance between your Spiritual needs and work demands during Ramadan?
  • How Spirituality, Physical vitality, and Social work can boost productivity at work?
  • How to speak to your managers & colleagues about Ramadan?
  • How to “re-brand” Ramadan in your work life and those you’re working with?
  • Insights from a special research report on Productivity During Ramadan by DinarStandard

Hope you all sign up. Here’s the link again to register:

Sincerely, Muslimah 
