Another Blog-Aholic Award!!!

As Salam Alikum Readers I got nominated for another blog-aholic award

special thanks to for the nomination


The Blog-aholic Award was created

by the The Recipe Hunter (Cook and Enjoy), and in her words “The Blog-aholic Award is an award for bloggers addicted to blogging with creative, ingenious and inspiring posts. They mesmerize their followers with their posts, keep them captivated and riveted to their blog. The Blog-aholic Award is also for bloggers who share and inspire others” 

As per the rules the Bloggers we would like to nominate are as follows


three things about me:

I dislike shoe shopping I find it a huge pain in the foot and so very frustrating due to my feet being oddly shaped.

I don’t really care what I wear , and I haven’t bought my own clothes in years

I am afraid of snakes

Munna, Baba & Me




Sunshine Blogger Award 

As Salam Alikum Sister Shukrallah,Thanks sister for the sunshine award nomination , check out her blog ShukrallahBlog

The Rules:

Here are the questions Shukrallah has ask, they  are :

1. What is one of your favorite Hadith of the Prophet (Sall Allāhu ʿalay-hi wa-sallam) & why

One day the Messenger of Allah (saws) noticed a bedouin (desert Arab) leaving his camel without tying it and he asked the bedouin: “Why don’t you tie down your camel?” The bedouin answered, “I put my trust in Allah.” The Prophet (saws) then said, “Tie your camel first, then put your trust in Allah”

Related by At-Tirmidhi.

Because it means use common sense and trust in Allah
2. How do you prefer to spend your free time?

Gardening, organizing things , cooking healthy foods , writing and reading

3. Who do you most admire in life & why?

Not sure never really thought about it,

4. What are your top three favorite books?

I have to choose one?

1. Quran

2. Back to Eden

3.Back to Basics a complete guide to traditional skills ,

If I have to choose ,

I love books and will read any book once

5. What are you afraid of?


6. How much water do you drink on an average day?

Over a gallon and a half I’m always thirsty and always drinking water. It’s

7. What was the last picture you took?

The moon in the early morning sky here is the picture

8. How many languages do you speak?

English ,

American Sign Language (haven’t used in years so am a bit rusty),

Darija aka Moroccan Arabic ( I understand more than I speak as long as it’s

spoken slowly, I am trying to become fluent but it’s been a struggle),

(a bit of Spanish

and French cooking terms both which I haven’t used in years)

9. If you could live in any country where would you live? Depends I’d probably just travel and live in all the countries just so I could see which one I liked best.

10. If money was free, would you still go to work? Yes I’d work because being idle makes my bipolar mood disorder worse.

11. What do you love about yourself? How I have survived so many traumatic experiences and still move forward.

The 11 blogs I choose are :

  1. A Dirham A Day


  3. Mariam’s Journal

  4. Thoughts of an American Hijabi

  5. bipolarchaosblog

  6. Rekindling The Flame Of Imaan

  7. MariamMea


  9. Simple Muslimah

  10. Muslimah According to Me


My questions are:

How many countries have you lived in?

What’s your favorite color and why?

How long could you go without tv Internet and cell phone?

Could you survive in the wilderness with just a knife , fire and water?

What’s one weird thing you eat that others don’t?

What is one place you wanted to travel to but never have been and why?

If you could would you want to speak ,read and understand every language ever spoken?

How many aunts and uncles do you have?

How many sisters and brother? And do you get along and regularly talk to them?

Do you have pets? If so what kind?

Have you ever spun yarn from wool?

Thank You for reading.

Blog-Aholic Award

Assalamu aleikum dear readers and bloggers,


 First, I want to thank my sister in Islam Papatia

Between Sisters, SVP! for nominating me for this award.

“The Blog-aholic Award is an award for bloggers addicted to blogging with creative, ingenious and inspiring posts. They mesmerize their followers with their posts, keep them captivated and riveted to their blog. The Blog-aholic Award is also for bloggers who share and inspire others” – The Recipe Hunter (Cook and Enjoy).

So here we go!

My Best Post:

My best post is 

Three Facts About Me:

I have traveled a lot as a child young adult.

I organize my clothes by color.

I have super sensitive smelling and hearing.

I Nominate: (you don’t have to take part if you wish not to)

  1. Simple Muslimah


  3. loveforhijab

  4. 1newleaf

  5. bipolarchaosblog

  6. Muslimahs Ablaze


  8. My Creative Hut

  9. Muslimah According to Me

  10. A Muslimah’s writings


  1. Put the above award logo/image on your blog.
  2. List the rules.
  3. Thank the blogger who nominated you and provide a link to their blog (it can be to the post in which they nominated you or any other post or you can even link to their “About” page.)
  4. Mention the creator: (The Recipe Hunter (Cook and Enjoy)) of this award and please provide a link or pingback as I (Esmé of The Recipe Hunter (Cook and Enjoy) would love to meet you!
  5. Write a post to show your award.
  6. Share a link to your best post(s).
  7. Share 3 interesting and different facts about yourself.
  8. Nominate 5-10 fellow bloggers, or more if you wish.
  9. Comment on each blog and let them know you have nominated them and provide the link to the post you created.


Thank you for reading,



Liebster Award a second time

liebster3As salam Alikum Readers

I got nominated for a liebster award thanks to Rayeesa Tabassum, please check out her nice  blog A Muslimah’s writings

Here are the rules :



1. How do you find time for blogging? When I can’t sleep I write
2. What is the best part about blogging? Expressing my thoughts
3. What did you gain from your blog? A place to express my emotions its a outlet
4. What do you wish to gain from your blog in future? Maybe I’ll turn it into a paperback book.
5. What marketing/promoting tips worked for you best? Still learning on this , use Facebook and twitter
6. Which are your favorite Islamic blogs? I have to choose? There are so many good blogs I can’t choose , sorry I read them all.
7. What have been your biggest achievements in the field of writing? Still waiting for that to happen
8. What is your aim in life? To raise well behaved happy Muslim children
9. What are your favorite Muslim magazines, publications and websites? Oh no not again! I read them all , I don’t choose favorites, I love reading .
10. Who are your favorite Muslim authors? I can’t choose , I will say that I’ll read any book once .
11. What is one advice you want to give to newbie bloggers? Keep going even when it doesn’t seem like you have a following.

11 random facts:

  1. I was born in a truck stop
  2. I moved a lot as a child and teen
  3. I use to live in a bus
  4. I’ve worked in farms and orchards
  5. I’m short
  6. I have dyslexia
  7. I didn’t have a tv gowning up
  8. I will read any book once
  9. I taught myself how to bake at 5 years old
  10. I went to culinary school
  11. I have lived in three different countries and 48 of the 50 united states

I am nominating the following 11 blogs

Beyond Iddah

The Secret Hijabi


The Inquisitive Mind

Thoughts of an American Hijabi

Rekindling The Flame Of Imaan

The Revert Miyabhai

Muslim Mummy

Islam – My Choice



My 11 Questions are;

  1. How many countries have you lived in?
  2. How many states have you lived in?
  3. Do you like to cook?
  4. What are you afraid of?
  5. Do you read book?
  6. What was your very first job?
  7. How many sisters do you have?
  8. How many brothers do you have?
  9. Have you lost a loved one?
  10. Have you ever had surgery?
  11. Can you Crochet?


The versatile blogger award


As Salam Alikum Readers

I got nominated for the versatile blogger award .

I would like to thank  at

for the nomination.

Seven things about me:

  1. I have bipolar disorder that is treatment resistant
  2. Blue is my favorite color
  3. I have lived in 48 of the 50 united states.
  4. i dislike loud noises , tvs to loud make me upset
  5. I crochet small things all the time its my stress release
  6. I have had three heart surgeries
  7. I have written poetry and forgotten I wrote it only to find it later on.

here’s the blogs I nominate




As salam alikum readers

I would like to thank Sister  Eva Fatmawaty for the  liebster nomination for my blog dpressedmuslimah

Why do you love blogging?

it is just a natural part of writting for me

What is your primary job?


Have you gotten the benefits from blogging? If yes, please mention 2 of them!

it is a way for me to calm my brain and get my thoghts on paper so to speak

It is a way of recording my thoughts

What is your favorite place in your country that you have visited?

that’s a tough one have been to every state except two

Have you ever visited Indonesia?


Do you love nasheed (Islamic music)? Who is your favorite singer (munsheed)?

I don’t really listen to music

How do you get the ideas for your blog?

they usaully just pop into my head

Do you like sport? What is sport do you like?

I like to play soccer with my children it is fun to watch them chase and kick the ball

What place (city in this world) you wish to visit in the future (insha’Allah)? Why?

Mecca to see the holy land

What is your own language? Please translate this sentence “ I LOVE YOU FOR THE SAKE OF ALLAH” into your own language! If you are an English speaker, please retype that sentence!


Do you feel hurt, if someone speaks very badly to you? Would you like to forgive him/her for Allah’s pleasure?

yes I feel hurt , I forgive for the sake of Allah

Here are my beautiful nominees:

Now, please answer my questions below

1.What is your primary job?
2.Why do you love blogging?
3. Is there anything that you’ve been wanting to write about since a long time but haven’t penned it down yet? If yes, then what is it about?
4.Have you ever visited Morocco
5. What country were you born in?
6. How many states in America have you visited ?
7. Your favourite food?
8. How many langaues do you speak and read?
9. Do you like to bake and cook? If yes What types of food?
10. What is the colour you wear the most?
11. Do you suffer from a mental illness? If yes what type ? How do you treat it ? Does treatment help?